Thursday, 28 October 2010

[CLOSED] - All BM-TH RASs Down

At approximatley 09:10am this morning all BM-TH RASs went down

BT are aware of the situation .

Further updates to follow shortly


10:30am - 21CN lines (21CN-BRAS-REDx--BM-TH RASs) are still down.

Today 09:58:08 BTO have now raised an incident.

This isn't just affecting people in Birmingham

As yet we've no ETA from BT.
We'll update as soon as we have further information.



BT Engineers are still working on this issue, the next update from BT Wholesale is due at 11:40am


A BT Wholesale engineer is on-site, and has found a faulty card which is responsible for this outage. He has reset the device and is monitoring it to check services come up. Should this not restore service he will replace the card. We’ll post a further update when we get one. 


BT card issue now resolved - clear time 13:30.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused during this outage.